Travel Insurance


Frequently Asked Questions

A) Where do I turn if my insurer disputes my claim and refuses to compensate me even though I have bought insurance from the company?

If the claim is not a covered event, it will be explained clearly by the insurer. However, if you are still not satisfied and have failed to reach an agreement with your insurer, you can raise this with the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (FIDReC), an independent alternative dispute resolution scheme for disputes between consumers and financial institutions including insurers. FIDReC handles claims up to S$100,000 (for claims filed before 1 July 2024) or S$150,000 (for claims filed on or after 1 July 2024) for disputes between insured persons and insurers.

You can contact FIDReC at:

36 Robinson Road, #15-01
City House
Singapore 068877
T: (65) 6327 8878
F: (65) 6327 8488 / (65) 6327 1089